Our Brands
Seed and Fertilizer
Are your crops getting enough nutrients? Chaseburg Co-Op is well equipped to handle all of your nutrient application needs with our full line of products and application equipment!
We are proud to offer a large selection of bulk dry and liquid conventional and organic fertilizers as well as bagged dry fertilizers at competitive prices. Contact us today to discuss current prices, options and product availability of equipment!
Nutrient Application
1 – Dry spinner spreader trucks
2 – High clearance dry spinner spreader truck (capable of 2-product variable rate application)
1 – High clearance liquid side-dress applicator
14 – PTO driven pull-type dry spreader carts (rental)
Please contact us today to discuss current prices, options and availability.
Crop Protection
2 – 90’ sprayer
1 – 60’ sprayer
Bulk products
Packaged products
Please contact us today to discuss current prices, options and availability.
Soil Sampling
The purpose of soil sampling and analysis is to provide an accurate estimate of a soil’s capacity to supply the required nutrients for a growing crop. The goal of soil sampling and analysis is to increase crop yields and quality as well as to increase the efficiency and profitable use of fertilizer and lime.
An accurate soil analysis will help to ensure that the proper amounts of nutrients are applied to the soil in order to meet the nutrient requirements of the crop being grown while taking advantage of the nutrients already present in the soil.
Chaseburg Co-Op offers both GPS guided precision soil sampling and conventional soil sampling services.
Please contact us today to discuss the many benefits of soil sampling and to schedule soil sampling services!
Equipment Rental
Chaseburg Co-Op offers the machinery and equipment you need to get the job done!
Current rental equipment includes:
14 – PTO driven pull-type dry spreader carts
1 – John Deere conventional drill (10’)
1 – Great Plains no-till drill (10’)
Please contact us today to discuss current prices, options and availability.
How Can We Help?
No matter what your farming and agriculture needs are, Chaseburg Co-Op is your one-stop-shop! From keeping your animals fed and crops nourished, to keeping your family warm at home, we are here to help. Give our team of specialists a call at 608-483-2194.