Chaseburg Co-Op specializes in many different feeds and nutrients for your animals from brands such as Hubbard, Westway, Crystalyx, and more. From feeding the cattle to feeding man’s best friend, we have the feed you need!

Dairy & Beef
- Proteins – Custom Blends
- Minerals and Premixes
- Dry Cow Feeds
- Hubbard Weatherized beef mineral
- Hubbard Blueprint mineral and tubs
- Hubbard Steer Pellets
- Crystalyx Brand lick tubs
Calf & Companion Animal
- Chaseburg custom blended milk replacers
- Land O Lakes branded milk replacers – Cows Match
- Hubbard branded complete calf feeds
- Chaseburg Coop custom mixes
- Grain-Free Dog Food
- Hubbard Branded Horse Feed
- Rabbit Chow

Here at Chaseburg Co-Op, we specialize in custom mixed feed for your poultry county and state fair animals! We have our own mill mixed feeds on hand which include calf starters and growers (texturized) and poultry 16% layer. We provide Black sunflower, Thistle seed, Cardinal mix, Cracked and shell corn
- HG chick starter and grower
- Layer 18
- Duck and Goose grower
- Hubbard Lamb Creep
- Lamb starter and grower
- Premier sheep mineral

- Supplemental lick tanks for pasture or dry lot
- TMR tanks and custom formulas
- Custom blend mixed feeds
- Custom Blend liquid direct to the farm
Our Feed Staff
Feed Dept. Manager
Jared Hegge
Livestock Nutrition Consultant
Terry Wilker
Mobile: 608-790-1996

How Can We Help?
No matter what your farming and agriculture needs are, Chaseburg Co-Op is your one-stop-shop! From keeping your animals fed and crops nourished, to keeping your family warm at home, we are here to help. Give our team of specialists a call at 608-483-2194.