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Your Spring Agricultural Checklist

As winter ends, it’s time to prepare for the upcoming agricultural season. Any successful spring requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. So here is our comprehensive spring agricultural checklist of essential tasks to get off to a good start this year. 

Tilling and Preparing Soil 

Tilling the soil is a crucial step in preparation for spring planting. Proper tilling churns the dirt 8 -10 inches below the surface which aerates the soil and improves water and nutrient absorption by seedlings and new plants. It is recommended to till when soil conditions are dry and the weather is warm. Always be sure any rocks or debris are removed before planting.  Soil preparation also includes creating a smooth area to plant and testing the soil for pH and nutrient levels. Some farmers also use this time to apply pre-emergent herbicides to combat weeds before they start. 


Timing your planting is crucial for a successful growing year. Consideration should be given to the type of crop, soil type, and climate conditions before planting. You should also review annual fixed and variable costs, current prices, and price predictions for each commodity before you order your seeds. It is also important to plant the right amount of seeds per acre and provide adequate spacing between plants. Proper planning and planting techniques will increase your chances of a successful harvest. 

Applying Fertilizer 

Spring is also a good time to decide which fertilizers and pest repellants will be necessary for a successful growing season. Applying fertilizer to the soil is necessary for the proper growth and development of plants. Farmers must choose the right type of fertilizer that is suitable for their crop and soil type. It is also essential to apply the right amount of fertilizer at the right time. Over-fertilization can lead to poor plant growth, while under-fertilization can result in low yields. 

Spring Animal Care 

Spring is also the time to take stock of your animal health and shelters. Be sure to check that your animal housing is still safe, clean, comfortable, and free from pests and parasites after the long winter. It is also important to schedule any necessary vaccinations and deworming treatments to keep your animals healthy throughout the year. 

If you plan to raise sheep on your farm, be prepared for a time-intensive lambing season in early spring as sheep and newborn lambs need round-the-clock attention to ensure their safety while giving birth and during their vital first days of life. 


A successful spring agricultural season requires careful planning and execution of essential tasks such as tilling and preparing the soil, planting, applying fertilizer, and spring animal care. Farmers must ensure that they follow best practices and seek professional advice where necessary to achieve optimal results. By following our spring agricultural checklist, you can get off to a good start this spring and set yourself up for a successful harvest. Feel free to contact us if you have further questions about getting your season off to a great start.